Tuesday 26 February 2019

Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower

Who knew cauliflower can be so excitingly flavourful? These dainty cauliflower "nuggets" make the best side dish to any meal.

Sunday 24 February 2019

Seafood Ee-Fu Noodles

This Chinese braised ee-fu noodles is loaded with clams, prawns (shrimps), scallops and mushrooms. Only 30 minutes to make!

Yellow Chives

Ingredient spotlight for yellow chives, an essential ingredient for a plate of authentic Cantonese braised ee-fu noodles.

Ee-fu Noodles

Ingredient spotlight for Ee-fu noodles. It is popularly used in Cantonese cooking.

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Ee-fu Noodles with Pacific Clams

Whip this ee-fu noodles in less than 30 minutes, thanks to the convenience of canned clams. The clams are already cooked, and they only need a minute to warm up on the stove.

Friday 15 February 2019

Baked Parmesan Scallops

These baked Parmesan scallops are so easy to make, yet gourmet looking and tasting.

Monday 11 February 2019

Parmesan Orange Scallops Salad

Baked Parmesan scallops, served on a bed of salad with a fruity orange vinaigrette. Refreshingly healthy and delicious.

Friday 8 February 2019

Fish Maw & Pork Ball Collagen Soup

This is a short-cut and fast-cooking recipe using threadfin fish maw, premium pork balls & chicken collagen stock. Only 10 minutes on the stove!