Tuesday 29 August 2023

AI tools make things up a lot, and that's a huge problem AI tools make things up a lot, and that's a huge problem

Artificial intelligence-powered tools like ChatGPT have mesmerized us with their ability to produce authoritative, human-sounding responses to seemingly any prompt. But as more people turn to this buzzy technology for things like homework help, workplace research, or health inquiries, one of its biggest pitfalls is becoming increasingly apparent: AI models sometimes just make things up. Artificial intelligence-powered tools like ChatGPT have mesmerized us with their ability to produce authoritative, human-sounding responses to seemingly any prompt. But as more people turn to this buzzy technology for things like homework help, workplace research, or health inquiries, one of its biggest pitfalls is becoming increasingly apparent: AI models sometimes just make things up. https://ift.tt/daLjOuC

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